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Showing posts with the label richest man land

Let us Die empty, if it can make Living Citizens Rich

Let us Die empty, if it can make Living Citizens Rich - UnLeash (Y) our Utter Most Best & Share is my Motto~ Hence No photos The most beautiful book I have & inspired my Aspiration is How to "Die Empty" by Todd Henry. The author also was inspired and got the idea of writing this book while attending a business meeting. When the director asked the audience: "Where is the richest man land in the world?" One of the audience answered: "Oil-rich Gulf states." Another added: "Diamond mines in Africa." I said in Bom-Bay; Then the director said: "No it is the cemetery / GRAVE YARDS; Yes, it is the richest land in the world, because millions of people have departed/died and they carried many valuable ideas & Billions that; they could not bring to light nor benefit others nor did they carry with them. It is all lying in the cemetery/yards, where they are buried." Inspired by this answer, Todd Henry wrote his book, "Die Empty...