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Showing posts with the label or uncultivated person

Today's Words: Logorrhea, Yahoo and Vocabularian

Logorrhea (law-guh-ree-uh) Noun incessant or compulsive talkativeness More about Logorrhea First recorded in 1900–05;  The term is often used humorously but also refers to a medical condition in which one speaks incessantly and uncontrollably. Examples of Logorrhea I was known for my logorrhea among friends, often dominating conversations with endless chatter. The politician’s logorrhea during the debate made it difficult for the moderator to control the discussion. Yahoo (yah-hoo) Noun a crass, ignorant, or uncultivated person More about Yahoo First recorded in 1726 in Jonathan Swift’s humorous novel Gulliver’s Travels. The exclamation expressing joy and excitement is of imitative origin and was apparently first used in this way in the 1970s. Examples of Yahoo The yahoos disrupted people at the library with their loud laughter and rude comments. The game was filled with yahoos who were shouting and throwing peanuts at each other . Vocabularian (vap-id) Adjective without liveliness...