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Showing posts with the label Yelahanka

Thousands rejoice and panic while hundreds of people literally cry in disbelief...

 Thousands rejoice and panic while hundreds of people literally cry in disbelief... image source:     At the sprawling airfield of Yelahanka Air Force Base people had gathered in thousands making use of the public entry option today and were literally in an aerial world of their own when the metal birds displayed their mite in all possible varieties.Well as these holiday visitors rejoiced struck a tragedy just a couple of kilometers away from the hub of air activity. As black smoke started emitting and developing into unheard proportions the crowd which was till then enjoying the Aero Show suddenly developed panic signs and started moving away from the venue towards the exit gates. For a moment even the organizers were taken aback at the man made tragedy resulting into the gutting of more than 300 cars in the parking gate number 5 lot.As the dark fumes continued to multiply in no time and much before the fire tenders could be rushed to the s...