Beatification (bee-at-uh-fi-key-shuhn) Noun the act of making blissfully happy More about Beatification First recorded in 1495–1505. From the Late Latin beatificare, to “make happy,” and borrowed directly from the French béatification, “the act of making blessed or holy.” Examples of Beatification Volunteering at the shelter provided the woman an inner beatification that no material possession could replace. After winning the championship, the players were overwhelmed with a sense of beatification. Doggedly (daw-gid-lee) Adverb in a persistent or tenacious manner More about Doggedly First recorded in the Middle English period, combining dogged1 + -ly. Earlier meaning “cruelly, maliciously,” and later meaning “with a dog’s persistence.” Examples of Doggedly The student doggedly pursued her goal, despite numerous setbacks. The athlete doggedly trained every day, even in harsh weather conditions. Yarmulke (yah-muh-kuh) noun a skullcap worn by Orthodox Jewish males More about Yarmulke...
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