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Showing posts with the label VYASA

Dr Ramarao Nagaratna Raghuram: From UK to VK

Dr Ramarao Nagaratna Raghuram is the Medical Director of Arogyadhama, a holistic health centre in Prashanti Kutiram, Vivekananda Yoga Anusandana Samsthana Arogyadhama, Bengaluru. Had she restricted herself to Allopathic practice, she might have well settled with a roaring practice in the United Kingdom (UK). No, it wasn’t so in her case. For, she refused to tread the usual path like everyone else and opted to return from the UK to VK or Vivekananda Kendra to foray into the application of Yoga for treatment of several ailments. An MRCP turned Yoga researcher, advisor, teacher and guide: She did her MBBS from the prestigious Bengaluru Medical College (BMC) in 1967 and MD in General Medicine from Mysuru Medical College (MMC) in 1972. As Dr HR Nagendra, her elder brother and Chancellor-S-VYASA points out, she completed the two years duration MRCP program at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, the UK within nine months! It was no big a surprise as she had a successful academic care...