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Bacterial Vaginosis Test

What is a bacterial vaginosis (BV) Test? Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a bacterial infection in the vagina. A healthy vagina contains a balance of both "good" (healthy) and "harmful" (unhealthy) bacteria. Normally, the good bacteria keep the harmful type under control. A BV infection happens when the normal balance is upset and more harmful bacteria grow than good bacteria. A BV test checks a sample of vaginal discharge (fluid that comes out of the vagina) to look for harmful bacteria. Any woman can get BV, even women who have never had sex. But it's most common in sexually active women. Sometimes a BV infection doesn't cause symptoms, and it can go away on its own. However serious health problems are linked to untreated BV. If you have symptoms, testing and treatment can help avoid the increased risk of these problems: Getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). BV makes your vagina more acidic than normal, which increases your chance of getting STDs, such...