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Healthy Habits for a Healthy Heart: Dr Prasanna Simha

Bengaluru: Dr Prasanna Simha, veteran cardiologist, Professor and Head of the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular and Research (SJICR) strongly advocates healthy habits for maintaining a healthy heart. Junk food: In a candid telephone conversation, Dr Prasanna Simha dwelt in detail on the multiple factors solely responsible for heart ailments surging Northwards. He asserted-"The common premature diabetes related to obesity is due to consumption of junk food-related habits plays a major role in the increasing numbers of heart ailments. Not maintaining proper weight, no control over central obesity (bulky tummy), lack of regular exercise, over-eating, and bad habits are paving the way for cardiac-related woes... ...Japanese way of eating: It may be appropriate here to quote the Japanese way of eating. By and large, you don't find obese people in Japan. You also find villages of centurions and that has been made possible ...