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Showing posts with the label KrishnaMutt

Pejawar Swamiji: An embodiment of service, sacrifice and dedication to the community and society

Sri Sri Vishwesha Theertha Sreepadaru , 32nd pontiff of the renowned Pejawar Adokshaja Mutt, one of the eight Mutts founded by Madhwacharya here was a rare religious personality in comparison to the present day run of mill Swamijis’. In that way it’s no exaggeration if one comes to the conclusion that the state and nation has lost a true son in the demise of the great Seer.   Vishwesha Theertha Sreepadaru The Pejawar Mutt Swamiji was truly a multifaceted personality who dared to transgress the physical boundaries of his Mutt and travelled across the country to spread Lord Krishna’s teachings of love and brotherhood among fellow beings. He had multiple titles to his credit including like the ones’, “Maha Santha(Great Saint), Madhwa Mata Pracharaka(Madhwa Philosophy Propagator), Hindu Kula Tilaka(The Ornament of Hindus), Apratima Jnani(Amazingly knowledgeable person) among many a other.By the passing away of the 88 years old Seer it looks like a glorious chapter in th...