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Showing posts with the label DrDevanPP

Puneet Rajkumar: Doctors divided over probable reasons leading to death

An interaction with several senior doctors, experts in different areas of specialisation leads to further confusion over the probable reasons that might have led to the tragic demise of Sandalwood Power Star Puneet Rajkumar. But much more than the real causes, some of the leads hinting at Covid-19 related after-effects already making many young people fatal victims look to be an alarming development! Undetected cardiomyopathy led to sudden cardiac arrest: Dr Kavery Nambisan is based in Kodagu and is well-known for treating Covid-19 patients in the early two waves with Ivermycticin. She says: "I do not know if he had the covid infection at any time. In which case, undetected cardiomyopathy causing disruption of electrical conduits in the heart could lead to sudden cardiac arrest... Dr. Kavery Nambisan ...The other possibility is the risk of a coagulation disorder and fatal clot formation. All covid patients need loving term rest from physical string and are advised anticoagulant (c...

Wearing Anti-Viral Mask Only Way to keep the Third Wave Away: Dr Devan PP

After a fatal First wave and another disastrous Second wave of the century's worst-ever Covid-19 pandemic, now the human civilisation is literally on the crossroads amidst the scare of the Third Wave! No doubt, as of now, by and large, the number of cases and deaths are not really at an alarming stage. But in the meantime, the mu Delta variant has made its presence felt paving way for a pandora box on the ways of facing it. For a long, health experts have been repeatedly warning about the dangers accompanied by the third wave. But again just like the previous two years, there look to be no takers for the same, either at the government stage or at the general public level. Dr Devan PP, a Manguluru based eminent Immunologist continues to remain candid in expressing his viewpoints about the urgent ways of addressing the ensuing danger now affecting the children at large. As feared earlier, the number of children getting admitted to the hospitals complaining of running nose is on a new...

For Tomorrow : Immunity is Priority and Not Vaccination: Dr Devan PP

"I have not taken a Covid-19 vaccine, although everyone in my hospital has taken it" , claimed Dr Devan PP, currently Professor and Head of the Department of ENT at AJ Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mangaluru. In a candid interaction with this correspondent, he dispelled many notions in practice ever since the globe has been hit by the worst ever pandemic. He is of the firm opinion that in the present scenario it's building up your immune system while simultaneously adhering to necessary precautions which matters the most. Image source: India Today, 11th May 2021 To persistent queries, if so what about the mammoth exercise underway to vaccinate the whole country, he blasts: "The present vaccines are not for a separate variant of the virus. And till now we are noticing multiple variants quite active all over. If the vaccines alone were enough to curtail the viral load, then how come you don't have one for HIV"? Dr Devan PP Dr Devan PP has...