By and large almost all states in the country complain of significant drop of revenue mobilization through tourism due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation (TSTDC) has altogether a paradoxical experience during the same challenging period. B Manohar Rao, (FAC) Managing Director of the Telangana State Tourism Development claims that TSTDC continues to do good business despite the onslaught of the pandemic. In a telephonic interview with Hindusthan Samachar , he shared in detail the reasons for such a comfortable position. Excerpts from the interview: HS: How is the tourism situation in Telangana following the pandemic situation? B Manohar Rao: Let me introduce to you. I am B Manohar Rao, Managing Director Telangana StateTourism Development Corporation (TSTDC). I have been working in the same organization from 35 years. Ijoined as an Assistant Manager and have now become in charge Managing Director with the blessings of Honorable Chief Mini...
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc