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Palanduh FPO: Onions Bring Tears Of Joy To Siddu Pujari

Bengaluru: Palanduh Farmer Producer Company Limited is a Vijayapura district-based Farmer Producer Organization(FPO) that was established in November 2022 with the support of the Department of Horticulture, Government of Karnataka. Siddu Pujari, an Agricultural Engineer by profession, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Palanduh Farmer Producer Company Limited FPO. Palanduh in Sanskrit means Onion. 1008 farmers; 12,000-acre area: The Palanduh Farmer Producer Company Limited FPO operates in a huge area spread in about 12,000 acres while the membership base is as big as 1008 farmers. The FPC also deals with a variety of crops, including Onion, Sorghum, Maize, Lemon, Red Gram and vegetables. Agreement with ICAR-DOGR: Palanduh Farmer Producer Company Limited FPO, according to its CEO Siddu Pujari, the primary focus is on the development of a value chain for the Onion crop-"We aim to create value-added products like dehydrated onion flakes, powder, and fried onion. For this, we ha...