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Visit to Lake District or Cumbria: A Mesmerizing Experience


Brentwood (United Kingdom), 25 August: On 25th August it was a very cold day. As usual, we four of us got ready for our wonderful adventure of Lake District. Although there was chilling cold weather outside there was no dearth of hot water inside to take a bath. 

Very difficult to describe the beauty of nature: Suri and Maruthi were wearing thermals. Me and Chetan just wore jackets on shirts. I thought a jacket would serve the purpose. Chetan drove to heaven-like places. It is very difficult to describe the beauty of nature. 

Full of grass in every nook and corner:
Since I am not a poet or a writer, I will try to explain whatever I see in my own words. Whichever side you happen to glance it was only green and green and the area was full of grass in every nook and corner. It appeared as if someone had very carefully trimmed the same just for us!

Impossible to step in:
The forests were so thick that it was impossible for anybody to step into them. I had never seen such lush green hillocks and forests in my life. I have been visiting the Western Ghats back home several times. However, the once literally evergreen forests all around the year, thanks to our greed for money, have been slowly vanishing and on the brink of an ecological disaster. 

Lake District or Cumbria: Here, we can see green valleys, forests and lakes in the most unpolluted form possible. That could be the reason why it is called Lake District or Cumbria. 

Biting cold and chilly breeze:
As I had mentioned earlier, the weather was biting cold accompanied by an equally chilly breeze. Hence, as a precautionary measure, we avoided getting out of the car. Sometimes we ventured out just to enjoy the scenic beauty of the mountains and lakes. 

Started shivering in the open: As there was a heater in the car there was absolutely no problem encountering the challenging cold weather. But, whenever we stepped out in no time we used to start shivering. To solve the problem, Chetan carried a scotch and suggested gulping it raw to warm up the belly. 

Felt like consuming fire: I had never taken whisky neat in my life. That was the first time I ever sipped whiskey and I felt like consuming fire into my body.

Nature in all possible forms: We had to pass through mountains and rivers en route all the time. The roads were good and also narrow at the same time. Thanks to Chetan, he drove us through these mountains and valleys typically in a magical fashion. We reached the destination with total satisfaction of seeing nature in all possible forms. 

Inputs Courtesy: BG Gujjarappa; Photos Courtesy: BG Gujjarappa, R Suri, Maruti and Chetan.


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