(zongkt) adjective
exhausted or asleep
More about Zonked
Examples of Zonked
I felt utterly zonked after staying up all night studying for final exams.
(huhl-uh-buh-loo) Noun
More about Hullabaloo
Apparently a variant of haloobaloo, rhyming compound based on Scots baloo lullaby.
Examples of Hullabaloo
There was a huge hullabaloo in the office when everyone found out about the surprise bonuses.
without liveliness or spirit; flat; dull
First recorded in 1650–60.
More about Vapid
From Latin vapidus, “flat, lacking flavor,” akin to vapor, in the sense of lacking substance, being made up of steam or heat.
I lost interest in the novel because the characters were vapid and one-dimensional.
Inputs Courtesy: Dictionary.com
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