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Shashidhar M Lohar's Exhibition At Jehangir Art Gallery

Bengaluru: Veteran artist Shashidhar M Lohar of Dharwad is holding a one-man show of his paintings at the prestigious Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai from 03rd September. The show is scheduled to go on until 09 September. In fact, this is his second one-man show at the renowned national gallery. He had done a one-man show at the Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai in 2016.

Dr Vishwanath D. Sabale, Dean of JJ School of Art, Mumbai is slated to inaugurate the show. Anil Naik, a renowned painter of Maharashtra and Prof Babu Jattakar, former Principal, CFA CKP, Bengaluru will be the chief guests of the inaugural function. 

Shashidhar M Lohar is an accomplished artist with a series of accomplishments all along since the beginning and over a period spread over multiple decades. Here are some of the achievements of his distinguished journey so far:

Ex-Member of Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy, Bangalore -2008-2011

Art Master Diploma at Halbhavi School of Dharwad. Diploma in Drawing and Painting at KEN School of Art, Bangalore. M.F.A. Painting


2015 28 All India Lokmanya Tilak Award, Pune.
2011-70 All India Art Exhibition, Hyderabad Arts Society, Hyderabad.
2010- AIFACS 83 Annual All India Art Exhibition, New Delhi.

2009-State Level Mysore Dasara, Mysore.
2009- State Level Premier Talent League Rainbow-09 at Mangalore.
2009-2 All India Fine Art Competition at Bijapur.

2008-Scribble Art Society (P. T. Reddy Award) at Hyderabad.
2007-21 All India Art Contest Exhibition, at S.C.Z.C.C., Nagpur.

2006- 19 All India Lokmanya Tilak Award, Pune.
2006-07 36 Karnataka Lalita Kala Academy Annual Ex., B'lore.

2006-Sharada Shalmila Mahamandala, Dharwad.
2006 -72 All India Kannada Saahitya Sammelana, Bidar.
1997-Junior Fellowship Award, H.R.D. New Delhi.
1991-92-Mysore Dasara State Award.
1987-Award for Best Painting School of Art Annual Exhibition, Dharwad

One Man Shows:

2024-Govt. Art Gallery, Dharwad
2016- Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai 
2010-Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai.
2009- Chitrakala Parishat at Bangalore.
1995-Organised by Kannada and Culture Dept. School of Culture, Belgaum.
1994, 1999-Govt. Art Gallery, Dharwad
1993-Organised by K.L.K.A. Bangalore at Kala Guru Art Gallery, Davanagere.
1990-S. S. K.H.S. Shigli.

Group Shows:

2024- Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbai 2013- Kala Academy, Panaji, Goa.
2012-Recent perspectives at Kala Academy, Goa.
2012-Harmoney organized by Gallery Cedar at Pune.
2011-Sara Arakkal 8 Annual Exhibition Show at Bangalore.
2011-Vinsent Art Gallery, Bangalore.
2010-Navy Army Art Entrance Gallery at Mumbai.
2010-5 Varshika Sammela AIDSO, Dharwad
2010-Dharwad Art Gallery, Dharwad.
2010-Chitrakala Parishath at Bangalore.
2011-2009- Kynkyny Art Gallery, Bangalore.
2009-Vekatappa Art Gallery, Bangalore.
2009- Group exhibition organized by K.L.K.A. B'lore, at Delhi Kannada Sangha at Delhi. 2008- Charity exhibition at Bangalore 2007-Dharwad Utsav, Dharwad
2007-Inter state exhibition of Painting of Karnataka. Organized by KLKA, Bangalore at Kala Academy of GOA.
2007-Alliance franchise de, Organized by Kynkyny, B'lore. 2007-Kynkyny Art Gallery, Bangalore.
2007-Chitrakala Parishat, Organized by Kynkyny, Bangalore. 2007-2008 Kaleidoscope, Organized by Kynkyny, at Hotel Park, Hotel Ista, Bangalore.
2007-Chitrakala Parishat, Bangalore. 2006-Srujana Ranga Mandira, Dharwad.
2005- Organised by K.L.K.A., Academy Art Gallery, B'lore. 2005- Govt. Art Gallery, Dharwad. 2003- Govt. Art Gallery, Dharwad. 2002-Organised by KLKA, B'lore-Young strokes, AIFACS, New Delhi.
1999-Homage to Kargil, Govt. Art Gallery, Dharwad. 1998-Kalapayana. (Exhibited at Dharwad, Gadag, Belgaum and Bijapur).
1998-Kamalanayana Bajaj Art Gallery, Bombay. 1993-Spark, Venkatappa Art Gallery, Bangalore.
1990-We nine, Vijaya Kala Mandir, Gadag 1998-We four, Minajagi Art Gallery, Hubli.

Participated in various State & National Art Exhibitions organised by Govt. and Private organisations from 1989 to 2015 at different places

Camps: Have attended State & National Camps from 1993 to 2023 on invitation

Collection: In Govt & Private Organisations and corporate bodies in India and abroad.

Inputs and Photos Courtesy: Shashidhar M Sonar


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