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Nothing is Permanent in this World: Simon CM

Bengaluru: Simon CM spearheading the People Connected to Awareness (PCA) Trust has dedicated his available time to the welfare of society. He takes pleasure in making repeated attempts for the overall well-being of society without expecting anything in return. He has been aptly and wholeheartedly supported by his wife Rose Mary working as a Teacher and Arogya Mary, his 90-year-old mother.

In an informal freewheeling chat, Simon CM took time to enlist the variety of social activities he has been into:

People Connected to Awareness (PCA) Trust: I was perturbed at the injustices committed in society and atrocities of the rich on poor, the highhandedness of the haves on the have-nots and things like that. After much introspection and never-ending debate within myself, at one stage I concluded that nothing is permanent in this world. Although I plunged into social service in 2015, it was in 2017 that I completely dedicated myself to social service 24x7 with the not-for-profit organization People Connected to Awareness (PCA) Charitable Trust. Then I was also into the cement business.

Grooming Government school kids: First I started with the government school kids who also happened to be the children of daily wage earners. The challenge was to engage them until their parents returned home from the day's job. It was important to ensure that the kids didn't indulge in bad habits, bad company, thefts, etc. during the two hours after school and before their parents returned. So I used to engage them by making them do their homework and take free tuition to ensure that the two hours are best used for their well-being, and academic and social progress.

Day-to-day requirements: I am associated with four government schools in Bengaluru and have been catering to their day-to-day requirements and facilities to encourage children to learn without any hindrance. Two private aided schools in Mulubagal and on the Andhra Pradesh border in Srinivaspur Taluk are being provided free uniforms, textbooks and education-related tools to ensure that no child is bereft of being educated. Alternative efforts are also underway to recruit additional teachers to overcome the shortage of teaching staff. Generators, UPS systems and LCD projector has also been provided to be on par with any good infrastructure schools.

Blood donation camps: Secondly, I started blood donation camps and Yoga classes for the seniors. Maybe, so far I have organized 7-8 blood donation camps and have been instrumental in getting blood to thousands of needy people. I operate through Alphonse Curian, who runs the Lions Bloodline voluntary blood donation organization. Anyone in need of blood puts up the requirement on the group and the same will be communicated to the donors who in turn come forward to donate. This is a daily exercise and has been going on for years. Enough efforts have been made to create awareness about blood donation. If 500-1,000 people are contacted only 08-10 people turn up to donate!

Tons of clothing and reusable goods collected and donated: I have been consistently trying to collect all goods and materials which can be reused elsewhere. In this way, I have been able to collect tons of clothes and other reusable goods from friends, relatives, well-wishers and donors and everything collected in this way has been handed over to the poor and needy.

Awareness with ASHA workers: By getting associated with the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers I got involved with four Primary Health Centres (PHCs') and various hospitals to create awareness of health issues among the general public. The purpose was vaccination and thereby develop immunization. Later started visiting villages to give it a try to see that no kid was left from vaccination and remained out of school and must not be deprived of proper education just like me. I wished to see in others whatever I happened to lose in my life.

To the rescue of Ashrams: I also kept on visiting several Ashrams or Elders' Homes and found out many of them were functioning with great difficulties and needed several things. On learning them I tried to provide whatever was possible with voluntary contributions along with the assistance from others. People are encouraged to celebrate their birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and birth and death anniversaries of their elders by contributing something to the inmates of old age homes. Many people have made it a regular practice. As a result, you need to crosscheck with Ashrams on the availability of slots for the particular day to make contributions.

Destitutes admitted to Ashrams: In the process, I also came across a few destitute and got them admitted to Ashrams. This relationship didn't stop just by admitting them to a safe place and on the contrary, continues until the last moment of their lives. In the meantime, about five of them passed away and I was with them all along until they were cremated in accordance to the religions they belong to. Until then I have ensured that their well-being is taken care of, in the sense all their expenditure including the medical expenditure is attended to. All of them have been treated like my own family members. To help out with the expenditure the maintenance of those admitted is also taken care of.

Tailoring training to women: Likewise, many women used to approach me seeking financial help. I pondered over and wondered how about making them self-reliant so that they develop into a stage of helping others. This way two tailoring centres were opened in Bengaluru and two in Kolar district. Many women would have learnt to stitch but had no sewing machines. All such people are allowed to make use of the facility and stitch their and others' clothes to earn some money. For the benefit of such women, the facility is open day in and day out.

Health camps and cataract surgeries: I have also conducted several health camps in association with several voluntary organizations, Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs. I have also ensured cataract surgeries for around 110 needy people. In association with the Rotary Club, several Anganwadi buildings have been built, and renovation works have been done. Every year, uniforms and textbooks are provided to two government school children apart from setting up a tailoring institute.

Free midday meal: Elders in the villages near Kolar and Marianpete village on the Andhra Pradesh border are cared for by dressing their wounds with the help of Sisters' and are provided with food as there is no one in many homes to look after or cook. Free midday meals are also provided to ensure that no one dies from starvation.

With the help of BBMP workers: Now, with the help of BBMP workers, I am now involved in the cleaning, collecting of garbage, clearing the UGDs, and meeting the concerned civic officials to address several issues. These days, I am completely committed to BBMP-related work like road repairs, blockages, street lights, and clearing branches of fallen trees. We have formed Ward numbers 06 and 07 WhatsApp groups to address the civic issues in coordination with different layout residents' associations.

Hospitalization and operations: I have also ensured the hospitalization of a large number of needy people apart from getting any number of operations done, payment of medical bills, scholarships and counselling to students. Likewise, I am at the service of needy people 24X7 and will pick up the call late in the evening even at midnight, if someone needs my help. This way I have committed myself to the service of society.

Helping the needy people during the COVID-19 pandemic: During the COVID-19 pandemic period I helped many people to register themselves for treatment as many people were not aware of the registration process. They used to ask whether the patient belonged to Bengaluru Rural or Bengaluru Urban and came under the limits of which Primary Health Centre (PHC). Then, many people did not even know what PHCs meant. I visited all such people to ensure that the treatment packages reached them. To start with the needy people were provided with gloves, sanitizers and other such stuff at their doorsteps.

Saved the lives of nearly 200 people: During the same period, I was able to distribute tons and tons of food grains to desperate labourers belonging to the Northern states in coordination with Bengaluru Food Bank and Art of Love organizations. With the help of government agencies, I have ensured the vaccination of more than 50,000 people. Nearly 200 people were arranged beds in various hospitals. I can proudly say that I have been able to save the lives of nearly 200 people by getting them vaccinated, admitted to the hospitals and ensuring proper treatment paving the way for recovery.

Cancer detection camps: I have also done several Cancer detection camps and have remained constantly with the patients until they recovered or succumbed to the fatal disease. I never indulge in the namesake programs just for the heck of them. I am also closely connected with a couple of voluntary organisations and striving to help them out of their requirements to the best extent possible from my side. Maybe on an annual basis, have been donating around Rs Two lakhs per annum and to date, the contribution to the society has run into crores.

Nothing is permanent in this world: More than anything else, I have consistently tried to create awareness amongst people to emphasise that nothing is permanent in this world and all of us have a social responsibility in whatever way possible. We should help others to whatever extent possible and never think of hating anyone. Nature keeps doing its duty without any expectations, including birds, plants and animals. Perhaps Man is the only social animal who is by and large ungrateful to nature. Unless the haves develop a tendency to help the have-nots, the disparity and lawlessness in society will continue. Hence it is a fervent appeal to everyone to think about the well-being of society and contribute toward the same. Just like we plan for the growth of our children and the family, in the same way, we should also give thought to what we can do for a healthy society. If we are not able to be of any help to society, at least by not indulging in doing any harm or unwanted thing itself is a greatest service to render to the society.

-Manohar Yadavatti


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