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Channappa Uttangi's Bust, At Last, Gets A Place!

Reverend Channappa Uttangi is a well-known name and personality to all those interested in Kannada literature and more so with Sarvajna, renowned for his popular triplets in chaste Kannada. Interestingly, after much dilly-dallying for multiple years, his bust has at last found a venue to be unveiled.

In a missionary school:
According to Sudheendra S K, Head Master of the Sarvajna Sahiti Rev Channappa Uttangi Kannada Higher Primary School at Nirmalanagar in Dharwad, the bust will be most likely unveiled in the third or fourth week of coming August in the school premises.

Bust sculpted by R Venkatachalapathy:
The bust of Reverend Channappa Uttangi has been sculpted by the well-known sculptor R Venkatachalapathy based out of Bengaluru. He has also been the sculptor of the busts of Reverend Ferdinand Kittel, renowned for his Kannada to English Kittel Dictionary. Sudheendra S K informs-'R Venkatachalapathy is a very senior sculptor of the state and is an accomplished artist having undertaken innumerable assignments on behalf of the state and various other governments. His workshop in Bengaluru is a treat to visit".

A chance meeting with Dr S R Gunjal:
Sudheendra S K added- 'Dr S R Gunjal, the nonagenarian veteran Kannada author who did his PhD on the works of Reverend Channappa Uttangi multiple decades ago, had a chance meeting with the accomplished sculptor R Venkatachelapathy in a book release function, a few years ago. Then the latter mentioned Channappa Uttangi's bust sculpted by him. Having evinced curiosity the sculptor showed the bust to Dr S R Gunjal who was carried away by the beauty of the bust and asked for the cost. However, Dr S R Gunjal was taken aback at the price mentioned and expressed his inability to pay the offered price. But he quoted how much he could offer and that amount was generously accepted by the sculptor. Dr S R Gunjal also paid a quarter of the agreed deal immediately and this was how the bust was bought'.

Search for a venue goes never-ending:
According to Prof Shyamsundar Devadhar, grandson of late Reverend Channappa Uttangi and former Principal of Kittel College in Dharwad -' We made several attempts seeking a public place to unveil the bust and memorandums were presented to different officers of various state government departments. When Siddaramaiah was the chief minister during his first stint from 2013 to 2018, a delegation of local Christian dignitaries called upon him and presented a memorandum in this regard to no avail to date. All keep giving assurances but all such promises have remained only in words'.

Attempt to unveil in Shantinagar:
Kiran Devadahar, son of Prof Shyamsundar Devadhar and an Engineer turned Advocate recalls-' As there was no response neither from the state government nor the local authorities there was a thought to install the bust in the small park of Shantinagar layout or the Christian colony adjoining the Mission Compound locality. However, the move didn't go forward as the layout association had to give consent for the same'.

Channappa Uttangi is more popular among Lingayats:
Anil Devadhar, great-grandson of Channappa Uttangi exclaims-'It looks like our great grandfather is more popular among Lingayats for his tremendous efforts and contributions in introducing the great poet Sarvajna of the 16th century. I vaguely remember my childhood days when many Lingayat Mutt pontiffs used to visit him to have intellectual discourses. it appeared he was ahead of his times and stuck to his guns when it came to practising sincerity in public life'.

A shining star and a rarest of the rare:
Dr Godwin Shiri, former Director of the Christian Institute For The Study Of Religion And Society (CISRS), Bengaluru opines-'Channappa Uttangi, a dedicated evangelist, eminent litterateur, acclaimed pioneer Indian Christian thinker and a bridge of friendship between religious faiths, is a shining star and a rarest of the rare among the servants of God who served in this land...

...Far ahead of his time:
Uttangi stands apart with his paradigmatically different and radical perceptions and actions. In fact, his thoughts and actions were far ahead of his time! A servant of God with rare courage and conviction, he neither bent his head before the 'powers that be' nor approved of any dogmatic or conservative proposition, be it theological or ideological...

...Won the hearts of people:
Wherever Reverend Channappa Uttangi served he left an indelible mark because of his commitment, integrity and wisdom. In every place he served whether it was a congregation, a boarding home or a school, Uttangi's work brought a transformative change in those places...

...An Evangelist for Life:
Trials and tribulations were unending inUttangi's life. The harassment from the Mission administration was unabated. Although he was fully trained and highly eligible and unquestionably highly eligible minister of the Church, he was deprived of 'full ordination' (second ordination) and therefore he remained an 'evangelist' for life. But that did not bother or deter Uttangi even a bit. He stood by his convictions, continuing to serve the Church and the society, come what may', says Dr Godwin Shiri.

A paradox of sorts: Reverend Channapa Uttangi spent his whole life studying and practising religion in the most pious manner possible and suffering all along. His innings remained a relentless struggle fighting all hazards on the way. It is a paradoxical predicament that even 62 years after his demise (28-08-1962) his hometown Dharwad is dilly-dallying for a respectable public place to install his bust.

-Manohar Yadavatti


  1. Glad to know that though late someplace has been provided for a statue of a great soul. In fact the right place was Jubilee Circle of Dharwad. It is not a place worth installing. Jubilee Circle is now full of many statues installed all in one place, one besides the other.


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