Interdigitate(in-ter-dij-i-teyt) Verb
to interlock, as or like the fingers of both hands.
More about Interdigitate
Formed from the Latin inter-, “between, among” +digitate, “like a digit or finger.”
Examples of Interdigitate
The gears in the clock interdigitate perfectly, ensuring accurate timekeeping.
More about Dumbledore
From dumble-, an imitative, combining form (like bumble-, humble-, drumble-) + dore, a variant spelling of dor1, “a buzzing insect.”
Examples of Dumbledore
As spring arrived, the garden came alive with the hum of dumbledores.
(ahy-wing-ker) noun
anything that enters or irritates the eye and causes blinking.
More about Eyewinker
Formed from eyewink, “a blink of an eye,”+ -erl, a suffix used in forming nouns designating things from some special characteristic.
Originally meaning “eyelash,” eyewinker refers to anything else that is small enough to get in the eye and irritate it.
Examples of Eyewinker
Despite his efforts to shield his eyes, a dusty eyewinker still found its way in.
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