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Written by Hon. Smt. Nirmala Seetharaman

Very thought-provoking!

Our joint family home in Tiruchirapalli housed 14 of us from age 5 to 95 years. All kids, grandkids, and Grandparents lived happily by sharing what we had with joy and contentment. But today, I watch both the ancestral houses abandoned and nature taking over the garden my mother used to tend for hours every day. The Jamun, the Drumstick, a few Neem and Peepal have survived, but all beauty is both transient and fragile, and the law of entropy is powerful. The lovely flowers of myriad colours are all gone. I wonder what happened to the squirrels, the peacock family that came every day and ate from my mother’s hand. The Bulbul, the sparrows, the parrots, spotted flycatchers, Cuckoos, a huge troop of monkeys that once in a month would upset the order of the place

Once people leave, a home becomes a house.

Initially, I didn’t feel like selling, and now I don’t feel like going. Time has taken away ten of its fourteen occupants.

I walk around our neighbourhood and see a similar fate of so many homes once full of life now replaced by apartments with children apart, parents apart. Only crows lying still.

Why do we stretch and stress to build houses? In most cases, our kids won’t need it or worse, fight over it.

What is this human folly of attempting permanent ownership of apartments in a leased life given by God with an uncertain tenure given by a landlord whose terms are non-negotiable and there is no court of appeal

One day, all we have built with love and houses will either be demolished, fought over, sold or lie in ruins.

Every time I fill out a form that asks for 'Permanent Address’ I smile at human folly.

There is a Zen story that an old monk walked into a King’s palace demanding he wanted to spend the night at this Inn and the guards told him, “What Inn? Can’t you see it is a palace?”. The monk said, “I came here a few decades back. Someone was staying there. A few years later, someone else took the throne from him, then someone else. Any place where the occupant keeps changing is an Inn.”

George Carlin says “House is just a place where you keep your stuff as you go out and get more stuff”.

As houses get bigger, families get smaller. When the house has occupants, we desire privacy, and when the nest empties, we crave company.

Birds and Animals must be laughing at us humans who give up living in order to build their dream home and, in the end, depart the Inn they mistook as a Permanent Residence.

The real folly of human desire!


  1. This viral message about “Permanent Address” was not written by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
    February 21, 2024.
    Claim: This viral message about “Permanent Address” is written by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

    Fact: This viral message about “Permanent Address” was originally written by Aseem Dhru, MD & CEO of SBFC Finance Ltd. He shared these lines on his Twitter account on 10 July 2023. In another Twitter post, he mentioned that these lines were shared on social media platforms, attributing them to Javed Akhtar. However, Javed Akhtar clarified that he is not the author of these lines. There is no evidence of Nirmala Sitharaman penning the message. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.


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