(im-promp-too) adjective
More about Impromptu
A bit ironically, impromptu comes via French from the Latin phrase in promptū, “in readiness.”
Prompt, “done at once,” also derives from the Latin word promptus “manifest, at hand, ready.”
Examples of Impromptu
There was no clear plan so the next steps felt a bit impromptu.
(ih-lim-i-buhl) adjective
incapable of being limited; limitless; boundless
More about Illimitable
Comes from the adjective limitable, which comes from limit.
Limit comes from the Latin stem of līmes, “boundary, path between fields.”
Examples of Illimitable
The illimitable beauty of the night sky left me in awe of the universe’s vastness.
(noo-shuh-tel) noun
More about Neufchatel
Comes from French, from the name of a town in Northern France where this type of cheese is made.
Examples of Neufchatel
Neufchâtel is a popular choice for cheese boards due to its mild flavor.
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