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Diabetes Vs Rice

Diabetes Vs Rice

If you compare any whole grain to a refined grain you have bran, endosperm and germ layer in a grain whereas a refined grain only has an endosperm layer.

The fact you should know is that rice is a calorie-dense food, it has several nutrients(Vit B/Vit E) required for important body chemical functions. Now to meet the population demands food processing has advanced during this food processing method, these important layers are refined out, leaving you only with an endosperm layer that contains starchy Carbohydrates.

Rice is a staple diet for almost everyone on this planet. Uncontrolled portion size intake or not having a proper source to go with rice, it will eventually cause elevated blood sugars.

That's when your physician will advise you to cut down rice. The enemy here is not rice but the processing technique to be blamed for which you lose the major nutrients.

What you can do:

Buy locally grown rice from your area/city

Mix and match various protein sources with your rice, keeping the quantity of rice smaller and protein larger.

Switch to millets they are the champions of promoting overall health.

Inputs Courtesy: Aishwarya Patil* 

*Aishwarya Patil is associated with the Venugram Hospital, Belagavi as a Clinical Dietitian. She 
has done her post-graduation in NUTRITION & DIETETICS from the Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College and has published an article, Impact of social media on eating behaviour among adolescents in the KLEU journal and has also presented a research paper at an international symposium in Mysuru. 

Guest lecture at Bhartesh Nursing College


  1. Krishna Itnal. A very standard article on a burning problem of diabetes. The matter is timely to alarm us to be away from the white polished rice.All the best.


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