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New Analysis: Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Not Beneficial for Preventing a First Stroke in Healthy Older Adults

New Analysis: Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Not Beneficial for Preventing a First Stroke in Healthy Older Adults:

More than 100,000 people a year die in American hospitals from adverse reactions to medication, making drug reactions one of the leading causes of death in this country, researchers are reporting today.

FDA warns about serious breathing problems with seizure and nerve pain medicines gabapentin and pregabalin

Be cautious

Using the antibiotic clarithromycin in combination with the gout drug colchicine increases the risk of death because of colchicine toxicity, 


NovaLead launched Galnobax has the potential to be the first small molecule drug for diabetic foot ulcer

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 800,000–1,000,000 individuals died by suicide in the year 2000...

Antidepressants carry a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) black box warning about a risk of increased suicidal thinking and behaviour in some individuals under the age of 25.

ICPA Health Products Ltd (ICPA), a leading pharma company in the oral healthcare segment, has launched its latest oral healthcare product– Mucofibro

Mucofibro helps prevent the malignant transformation of precancerous lesions like oral leukoplakia and erythroplakia and also improves the treatment outcomes in precancerous conditions like oral submucous fibrosis.

 Mucofibro prevents cell damage by fighting the oxidative stress inside the cells and restores the tissue healing capacity. With its powerful ‘cell detoxification action’ Mucofibro is beneficial in improving the clinical outcomes in non-cancer, pre-cancer and cancer treatments.

Anglo French Drugs & Industries Limited launches LYBER-PCO: A PCOS treatment drug which also helps women in conceiving a child and can be used for restoring ovulation processes.

LYBER-PCO:  PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome which affects about 20% of all females in their reproductive age. It is a major problem in India which leads to female infertility. It is characterized by facial hair, acne, obesity, menstrual irregularities etc. Our product LYBER-PCO not only treats this disorder in young unmarried females but also helps to resolve infertility in those planning to conceive. LYBER-PCO has Myo-inositol 550 mg and D-chiro inositol 13.8 mg which is in the physiological ratio of 40:1; clinically proven to restore ovulation. LYBER-PCO also contains Vitamin D and chromium.


This is an urgent alert for patients with diabetes and others who are using liraglutide.

More than 150,000 prescriptions per month are being filled for Americans for a relatively new diabetes drug, liraglutide that Public Citizen just asked the FDA to ban because it puts patients at higher risk of thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, serious allergic reactions and kidney failure that outweigh any documented clinical benefits.

There is a drug only for eyelashes. It's called Latisse.

Cadila Pharma launches Belmore to treat uncontrolled LDL-cholesterol

Belmore, the brand name of Bempedoic acid, is a novel drug for the treatment of high LDL cholesterol.

How Belmore Tablet works

 Belmore Tablet works by blocking an enzyme (enzyme adenosine triphosphate-citrate lyase) that is required to make LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the liver, which results in lower levels of LDL cholesterol.

You're LDL should be less than 100 ... beware.

AstraZeneca Pharma has launched “ Farxiga, a breakthrough treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus.”

The company said Farxiga is a “highly selective inhibitor of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2. It has a unique insulin-independent mode of action that helps remove excess glucose from the body via urine, which is associated with reduction of glycated haemoglobin, weight and systolic blood sugar.”


People who suffered Farxiga side effects are suing Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and AstraZeneca. Farxiga lawsuits say the companies failed to adequately test the drug and warn of its dangers

I need to reiterate that i have no financial interest in any of the posts here.

Inputs Courtesy: Veteran ENT Doctor with 41 years of experience, preferring to remain anonymous.


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