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Saptasur: 100+ Months of Public Singing!

These days, who doesn't feel like humming a song? Thanks to innumerable options available on social networking sites to learn, recite and perform, there is no dearth of musical talents blooming on the net like never before. Earlier, only those with gifted talent could boast of singing in public, but not now. Saptasur is a city-based organization of cinema music buffs catering to the ever-growing demand for new singers, old and young on public platforms. The interesting part is that the singers of film songs have been doing so for more than 100+ months and continue to grow in big numbers!

A full day devoted to singing: The group members usually meet on the third Sunday of the month in a hotel and admission to the performance program is on sharing the expenditure which works out to one+k and is inclusive of food, snacks and beverages. As there is a big list of singers, the selection is done based on a lottery whereby the lucky ones get the privilege of singing on the stage. In a way the third Sunday of the month for Saptasur members is full of an overdose of film music in all possible languages while Hindi continues to dominate.

A musical journey, more than just a musical group: Saptasur is being founded by the music-loving couple Sanjoy and Seema as a modest effort to provide a platform for aspiring singers to continue their passion. Although initially, they had no idea about the outcome of their humble efforts, the attempt was basically to give their love of music a try. Over the years the mere thought has given rich dividends in the form of the evolution of a huge, happy, fun-loving family; a family that loves to sing, dance and take pride in encouraging each other to deliver the best of their talent, and simultaneously keep becoming better too. In that way, Saptasur has become a musical journey, more than just a musical group.

100+ months and still growing strong: As no successful journey is hassle-free so is the case with Saptasur too. To begin with, it had its challenges. However, despite facing odds on the way like drifting attendance, extreme thoughts of winding up and such challenges the public singing show kept going on. Unmindful of hindrances midway, they have been able to religiously conduct the monthly events with the same quality, zeal and zest incessantly. This has been the practice for 100+ months and it has gained tremendous momentum in moving forward, which is a significant leap in organizing such activities.

Turned 100 in November 2023: Saptasur turned 100+ in November 2023, likewise, a musical Journey turned 100+ Months old. The celebration was on 26 November 2023. The inaugural show was held at the E-Zone club in Marathahalli on 23 August 2015. If anyone feels 13 is an unlucky number, please note, the 1st event had 13 singers! From there they moved on and now currently any given month, around 50-60 singers from the 100+ members get to perform.

Contributions from many: Krishnendu came to Saptasur for the first time in July 2016 and became an integral part of the group. He is one of the admins in the group in addition to the Founders. Not only Krishnendu but many voluntarily come forward to contribute towards the smooth functioning of the show. What sets SAMJ apart is its diverse membership, comprising individuals from various backgrounds, ages, and professions, creating a microcosm of India. SAMJ's uniqueness lies in the experience it offers.

A break from the stresses of daily life: Each event is a lively, adrenalin-pumping session where singers perform a mix of popular, rare, and classic songs in different languages. The group celebrates the diversity of Indian and international music, often organizing themed sessions based on cinema legends' anniversaries or festivals, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of India. Logistically, SAMJ has excelled in organizing events and ensuring a varied buffet lunch, high tea, and the necessary audio-visual setup. The registration process, limited to 60 singers, reflects the group's commitment to fairness, giving equal opportunities to both old and new members. The monthly sessions serve as a therapeutic outlet for Saptasurians, offering a break from the stresses of daily life.

Saxophonist Shyam Raj performs alongside the singers:
The eagerly awaited annual anniversary showcase featuring live music from talented musicians is a highlight for members. On two occasions, they had legendary saxophonist Shyam Raj performing alongside the singers. For many Saptasurians, it’s a dream come true scenario. Some of the singers have even transitioned from performing in SAMJ to showcasing their talents on TV and bigger stage. The bond among members is a cornerstone of SAMJ's success.

A cherished date for Saptasurians:
The 3rd Sunday of every month is a cherished date for Saptasurians, who describe the group as an extended family. The camaraderie is evident in the exchange of high-fives, hugs, and smiles. SAMJ goes beyond music, fostering mutual affection, respect, love, and friendship among its members. The group has witnessed the forging of new friendships, the strengthening of existing ones, and even the celebration of a marriage. SAMJ's philosophy, as articulated by its founders, is "Of the Members, for the members, by the members," emphasizing the community-driven nature of the musical journey.

Zindagi Mil Ke Bitayenge...: Through transparency, attitude, and voluntary support from dedicated members, SAMJ has not only sustained itself for 100+ months but has become a source of joy, support, and lasting connections for its members. To sum it up, SaptasuR, a musical journey is an ongoing journey, and its members are committed to enjoying it together. And it is reflected in their theme song. “Zindagi Mil Ke Bitayenge, Haale Dil Gaa Ke Sunaayenge, Hum Toh Saat Rang Hai, Yeh Jahan Rangeen Banayenge".

-Manohar Yadavatti


  1. Very interesting article on the light musical world of amateur singers.Such group are doing very job to all class of people. Their tribe is going very fast.Yours is the first article on such singer groups.Krishna itnal pune

  2. Manisha Chakravarty30 January 2024 at 21:29

    Absolutely brilliant group of singers, dancers, musicians and beautiful souls. It is like a bigger family. I am so happy to be a part of Saptasur musical group. Jindegi milke bitayenge, so true !!!! Hats off to Sanjoy, Seema,other members!!!

  3. 👌👌🙏👌👌🌹👌👌🙏👌👌


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