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Diabetes can be cured, challenges Reiki healer Dr Madhusudan KR

Dr Madhusudan KR has been practising Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Mexican Healing, Psychic Surgery, Melchizedek Healing... since 1995 and there has been no looking back from then onwards. Despite being a medical graduate having specialized in treating chest diseases, thanks to a peculiar problem finding permanent relief through Reiki he switched over to practising energy medicine.

Not only he has been treating but also teaching people as he informs of having successfully treated more than 1,50,000 chronic cases. He tells of having conducted more than 5,000 seminars training more than 120,000 students across the country in Reiki and other healing methods. Some of the great personalities treated by him include the late Kannada matinee idol Dr Rajkumar, late Kannada superstar Dr Vishnuwardhan, and late Guinness book of records holder for the highest number of eye surgeries Dr MC Modi, late veteran Kannada comedian M Shivaram, and Kannada actor Srinath, among many others. In a candid conversation, he tracks the history of Reiki, its entry into India and its benefits.

Dr Madhusudan KR

Q: Can you brief me about the background of Reiki coming to India?

Dr Madhusudan KR: Reiki came into practice in 1920, but it took many years to reach India and came only in 1989. Everything comes late to India, I don’t know why?

Q: How do you treat Reiki?

Dr Madhusudan KR: You don’t give anything at all in Reiki but for feeling the aura. Even the existence of auras has been proved with the help of high-frequency cameras way back in 1939. For instance, when a person is angry the aura would be Reddish, when you are happy it will be lavender or Pinkish. In fact, a lot of research has undergone in understanding these auras…

…President of India treated by Reiki: During Shankar Dayal Sharma’s tenure as President of India, even Reiki was included as one of the therapies. Reiki was in practice on the fourth floor of Apollo hospital in Chennai. Even in MS Ramaiah hospital here, Reiki treatment was available to those who wished for it. The big advantage of Reiki is that it could be used in a newborn infant as well. Why newborn infants, it can be used even in the treatment of pregnant women.

Q: What do you mean by Reiki?

Dr Madhusudan KR: Reiki means universal energy. Re means universal and ki means a life of energy. So Reiki means the world of universal energy or life force energy. It is a Japanese term, the Japanese alphabet.

Q: Do you mean to say Reiki comes into the picture when the body is in imbalance?

Dr Madhusudan KR: It could be physical, psychological, mental or chronic. Let us glance at this chart. This is the physical body surrounded by different layers. Here, you have annamayakosha, pranamayakosha, vignanamayakosha, manomayakosha. Mind is here at the manomayakosha…

…Mind being treated without knowing the location! With due respect to them, ask the Psychiatrists, they don’t know the location of the mind; But they are dealing with the problems. You don’t know where the mind is and how can you cure it? About 12 people have done Ph. Ds’ and one of them happened to be my student. I asked them the same question; where is the mind? They replied-Dr it’s abstract, which means it is not clear. But as scientists, you want to believe what is not clear! Do you have the mind; yes they say they have the mind. Because you say so, I say you don’t have the mind. There is no answer. They know the mind, they have the mind but they don’t know where it is? Forget the common people, scientists don’t know nor do the PhD holders. 95 per cent of them whom I have met say, it is in the brain. When quizzed, about how they came to the conclusion, they would retort: My parents told, my neighbour informed…
…Mind is not in the Brain and soul is not in the heart: And if you ask, where the soul is; it’s in the heart! But on the other hand, the mind is connected to the brain so is the soul connected to the heart. And the soul controls the heart chakra while the mind controls the brain…

…Mind generates energy: If you ask why we get diseases and how you treat them through Reiki; the Mind generates energy, a bad thought leading to negative energy is termed as ..Paapa Karma while good thoughts create positive energy, what we call .. Punya Karma. Good thoughts are required because they are good for your health. Whenever you think or do wrong things, it will come back to you in multiples... Do good things, they come back to you in multiples..this is the law of karma... It is the law of karma. Whatever you sow in mind, you will reap the same in reality (through the body).

Q: As you are mentioning, the mind is the casualty of ailments; what is the role of Reiki in such circumstances?

Dr Madhusudan KR: In that way, 95 per cent of the disorders are Psychosomatic. Psycho means mind, soma means body. So everything that comes from the mind to the body. As per medical terms, all disorders come from the stress is the cause of anything. Not necessarily, stress; it could be anxiety, fear..tension …these are all negative emotions. In other words, Karma by itself is a very big topic to discuss…

…Diabetes can be cured: Let us assume one suffers from fever for one month, cough for two months, knee pain for 15 days; these problems are all acute and medicine can work and be effective. Beyond year old problems, what we call chronic conditions, medicines cannot cure them... The government says that doctors should not tell that Diabetes can be cured which means it’s guaranteeing that Diabetes cannot be cured.

.. I challenge the government, Diabetes can be cured. If I fail to prove it, I will give in writing that I will stop practising the alternate therapies and go to the Himalayas!

He can be contacted over his personal cell number 9742-116-186 and office number 95-3878-6432.

-Manohar Yadavatti


  1. Good educative article on Reiki an alternative therapy which can be tried or even experimented as it will not do any harm since no medicine is prescribed. Kuppuswamy

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