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Sri Veereshwar Punyashrama: A unique gurukul

Sri Veereshwar Punyashrama: A unique gurukul
institution with multiple contributions to the society

Sri Veereshwar Punyashrama of Gadag district in the state of Karnataka is a household
name in most of the regions belonging to North Karnataka and adjoining areas of neighboring
states as well. The contributions of this revered religious and cultural institution to the society
and humankind are endless and the list continues to keep on increasing till date.
Although the founders and pontiffs of this Math happen to be Veerashiva-Lingayats that aspect
just happens to be by coincidence considering the ground reality of people belonging to all faiths
irrespective of their caste and religion being imparted with education.
Interestingly 2018 happens to be a cherished year in the annals of the institutions as it has
multiple feats to rejoice this year. It just celebrated a few milestones some time back. They
include: 74 th  death anniversary of Ganayogi Shivayogi Panchakshara Gavai, 8th death
anniversary of Padmabhushan  Pandit Dr Puttaraj Kavi Gavai, 105 th  anniversary celebrations of
Sri Veereshwar Punyashrama and diamond jubilee celebrations of Sri Kumareshwara
Krupaposhita Pandit Panchakshara Gavai Natya Sangha(Drama Company).
Along with these several anniversaries and diamond jubilee celebrations the annual fair and day
and night music concerts also took place with renowned artists local and from all over the
country taking part in the same.
Sri Veereshwar Punyashrama: It goes to the credit of Sri Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji in
motivating Sri Panchakshara Gavai to set up the Sri Veereshwara Punyashrama at the
commercial town of Gadag in the erstwhile undivided Dharwad district. Now Gadag is a district
after reorganization of districts.
In fact Sri Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji can be construed as a visionary of the Veerashiva-
Lingayat community. He was not only instrumental in setting up the now legendary Sri
Veereshwar Punyashrama but was also the man behind the formation of the Veerashiva
Mahasabha which has now been transformed into All India Veerashiva Mahasabha. The body
also happens to be the apex organization in striving for the overall progress of its members
spread across all the states of South India and Maharashtra. A conservative estimate also
claims that there are about six crore Veerashiva-Lingayats settled in the country and elsewhere
across the globe.

Sri Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji has another milestone to his credit. It was the same
revered seer who implemented the foresighted idea of forming the Shivayoga Mandir near
Badami in Bagalkote district. All going to be Veerashiva-Lingayat math pontiffs are imparted
with the traditional religious orientation courses here.
Till then the young would be pontiffs had to go to Benares to have formal education in religious
practices and other subjects. But the medium of instruction in that city used to be in Sanskrit
whereas it happens to be in Kannada in Shivayoga Mandir.
It may be remembered here that Basavanna, the 12 th  century saint, philosopher and
revolutionary poet who has been acknowledged of giving a new impetus to the Veerashiva-
Lingayat religion in making it more people friendly wrote in chaste Kannada.

Not only that he also inspired all other revolutionary poet saints including women belonging to
innumerable backward classes and untouchable castes of his time to pen their writings in the
people’s language rather than the priests language of Sanskrit.
His concept of Anubhava Mantap has now been acknowledged as the first ever practice of
parliamentary democracy in the world.
So one can imagine the visionary, philanthropic zeal and enthusiasm Sri Hangal Kumareshwara
Swamiji had in mind while setting up so many institutions apart from the Sri Veereshwar
Punyashrama now celebrating its 105 th  anniversary celebrations.
He used to travel length and breadth of the Kannada speaking regions in order to spread
awareness about the importance of following religious norms in the overall good of the society.
The Swamiji was also instrumental in organizing social and cultural activities to ensure that the
members of the society are also taken care of their entertainment needs. He conducted touring
music classes and kept on moving from one place to another for the purpose along with his
disciples and music students.
During one such visit to Kadashettyhalli village of Hanagal taluk, now in Haveri district he was
informed of Neelambike and Gurupadayya Charanthimath couple being blessed with two male
blind children one after the other. Both the kids though totally blind had developed a taste of
singing melodiously, thanks to the humming of several devotional and folk songs by their
But to their pleasant surprise and shock Sri Kumareshwara Swamiji visits their house not just to
accept their offerings and bless them like all others of the village but put forth a strange
demand. The religious personality on a mission to ignite awareness amongst the masses under
the influence of blind beliefs requests the couple to handover the blind children to his fold.
The poor couple was aghast at such a plea. Initially they were reluctant to part with their only
two children and begged to spare them from the agony due to such separation. However they
relented after being persuaded by the villagers who saw a new future to the blind brothers under
the patronage of Sri Hangal Kumareshwara Swamiji. They also pestered them that with the
blessings of Sri Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji both the blind children will turn a new page in
the history of the village.
In fact the seer was taken by surprise at the singing talent of these children as he had heard
them singing during the village fair for which he had been specially invited.
Thus in this way Gadugarya and Gurubasavarya, both brothers’ blind by birth were taken to the
Hangal math by Sri Hangal Kumareshwara Swamiji. Both the adolescent brothers were deputed
to Shiralakoppa in Shivamogga district where Gadugeppa gavai, musician in his own right
initiated Carnatic form of music for two years. After a successful initial stint both the brothers
returned to Hangal Math.
Sri Hangal Kumareshwara Swamiji then realizes that the urge for further education in music
among the two brothers is high. While the Swamiji gets in touch with another Swamiji in Mysuru
through his officials and succeeds in ensuring higher education in Carnatic music to the blind
music talents, a tragedy takes place. Gurubasavarya becomes a victim to the then fatal Cholera
His brother Gadugarya upset with his brother’s passing away loses interest in proceeding to
Mysuru. But the 10 year old boy obeys to the seer’s advice and heads to Mysuru. After around
six years of rigorous classes there he returns back as a young blossoming musical talent much
to the delight of Sri Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji.
The Swamiji summons Neelakanth Buva, a renowned name in Hindusthani music to satisfy the
urge of learning that form of music. In this way the young boy over a period of time masters both
forms of classical music. On return from Mysuru Gadugarya comes to be known as
Panchakshara Swamiji.
It looks a strange coincidence that Sri Veereshwara Punyashrama came into existence and
Pandit Puttaraj Gavai was born on the very same day i.e. 03 March 1914.The hitherto travelling
centre of literary, educational, cultural and religious activities thus found a permanent place to
settle down and give a big boost.
Thanks to the visionary approach of Sri Hangal Kumareshwara Swamiji today Sri Veereshwara
Punyashrama has come to be known as the only such institution in the whole world. Here
education is imparted for free from primary level to degree and post graduation in the fields of
arts, literature, fine arts and music to all deserving poor, physically challenged and blind
students irrespective of the caste and creed one belongs to.
This noble institution has been running the following educational institutions under its banner:
1. Kumareshwara Krupa Poshita Pandit Panchakshara Gavai Music school, Gadag.
2. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Music College, Gadag.
3. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Arts College, Gadag.
4. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Residential Primary and Music School, Gadag.
5. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai High School, Gadag.
6. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Primary School, Gadag.
7. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Pre-Degree College, Gadag.
8. Kumareshwara Krupa Poshita Puttaraj Gavai Sanskrit Pathshale, Gadag.
9. Dr. Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gawai Pre Matric Students Aided Hostel, Gadag.
10. Dr. Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Post Matric Students Aided Hostel, Gadag.
11. Matoshree Neelammatai Shishuvihar, Gadag.
12. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Special Residential Music School for the Blind, Davanagere.
13. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Education College, Gadag.
14. Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Diploma in Education College, Gadag.
Thanks to the visionary foresight of Hanagal Kumareshwara Swamiji, the blind musical prodigy
Gadugarya transformed into Pundit Panchakshara Gavai thus becoming a beacon of light to
thousands of many other blind children. Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gavai, one of his illustrious student
rose to be known as ‘Walking God’ for his enormous contribution to the underprivileged poor
physically challenged and blind children.

‘Walking God’ Dr Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gavai
‘Sharnara jeevana maranadali Nodu’ says a proverb in Kannada. It means the lives of great
men can be enlivened during their time of death. The proverb came true when Dr Pundit
Puttaraj Kavi Gavai,pontiff of the revered Sree Veereshwara Punyashrama of Gadag passed
away a few years back.
The whole of Gadag immersed into tears and the activities of the town came to a standstill
though no one ever gave any call to observe a bandh. People rushed from far and near in their
vehicles to have a last glimpse of the great soul. In no time about five lakh people arrived.
The funeral procession and last rites took place without any untoward incident in spite of such a
huge gathering all of a sudden. And to everyone’s surprise the mourners faced literally no
problems at all!
Due to a self declared strike all the shops including the canteens, hotels and eateries of all sorts
had downed their shutters. But that’s no excuse for those grieving to starve. The whole town
became a witness for free lunch counters throughout the day thus saving all those coming from
distant places spending the day without food.
That’s the personality of Padmabhushan Dr Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gavai who passed away at the
ripe age of 97 on 17 October 2010. The sea of humanity was a testimony to his popularity
among all sections of people devoid of caste, class or creed.
Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gavai’s life is an amazing history of laudable achievements unheard of till
now from a blind person. He had with great efforts mastered command over Kannada, Hindi and
Sanskrit and has contributed hundreds of books in these languages on music, literature,
religion, drama and many other fields.
Although born with two beautiful eyes, thanks to improper treatment by local herbs on the
advice of some people the child lost both the eyes forever. But lack of sight never became an
handicap to this young boy who by then had begun to step into the world of music.
Sri Panchakshara Gavai became the leading light of Puttaraj Gawai and there was no looking
back for the musical talent. In fact he grew to become a multifaceted talent with mastery in
playing about 32 instruments!
Perhaps that’s a record of sorts. He was a staunch Kannada lover. Once he was invited by HMV
recording company to the then Bombay for recording. There he’s suggested to sing in Marathi
which the seer plainly refused and threatened to go back without his recording done in
Kannada. Left with no option the organizers had to do a U turn and oblige.

Dr Babu Rajendra Prasad, President of India honored Puttaraj Gavai during early 60’s for his
literary work ‘Sree Basava Purana’ in Hindi. A rigid Khadi wearer throughout his life he was
felicitated with thousands of awards from different organizations, state and Union governments.
He also holds a record on the highest number of Tulabharas’. It’s a form of respect to dignitaries
during which the person is being presented with different substances, grains, cash etc
equivalent to the weight of the person to be respected. He was honored with 2,110 times by
such Tulabharas and such an unheard achievement continues to remain a record till date.
His writings included literary works like puranas, musical works, collection of poems, dramas in
Kannada, Hindi and Sanskrit. He has also written books in Braille language for the blind and
also edited ‘Panchakshara Vani’, a Kannada monthly magazine.

‘Sree Veereshwar Punyashrama’ for all artists…
Sri Kumareshwara Krupaposhita Pundit Panchakshara Gavai Natya Sangha(Drama Company)
founded by Pundit Puttaraj Kavi Gavai is now celebrating its diamond jubilee. In fact it was the
visionary thought of the seer to start the drama company to compliment the touring theatrical
and cultural troupe to financially aid its activities in 1940.
He also scripted ‘Sri Siddarameshwara Mahatme’ play in order enact it as the maiden drama of
the new company. It turned out to be a big hit and there was no looking back from then
onwards. The company still continues to give shows across the state and elsewhere.
One more interesting factor about the company is the 78 years old drama company since
inception and till date never had nor has any female actor to play the roles of female characters!
But such a practice hasn’t come in proper display of theatrical talent as has been evinced so far.
The maiden play ‘Sri Siddarameshwara Mahatme’ was such a huge success that it had 376
repeat shows continuously. Thanks to the powerful portrayal of female characters by men no
one from the audience ever mistook such actors as men!
In fact late Rajkumar, Kannada matinee idol who had become a disciple of Puttaraj Kavi Gavai
after a show went into back stage and began to appreciate the role of a woman character. He
exclaimed that the sister had done justice to the role. But he was immediately clarified that it
was a brother who had donned the role to his surprise.
An admirer of this drama company says thus: Just like Mecca is to Muslims, Kashi to Hindus so
is ‘Sree Veereshwara Punyashrama’ to artists of all kind. Presently about 1,000 students
belonging to all castes and religions are being imparted education in arts, fine arts, music and
many other fields.
The students of ‘Sree Veereshwara Punyashrama’ are spread across the country in film
industry, theatre, educational institutions, private and government agencies.

-Manohar Yadavatti


  1. Manoharji,
    Thanks for the information that I was eagerly looking for on both the Gavai starlverts of Gadag. To my mind, the roots also are of equal importancce and I could get to them in your article. If some more details are there, please share on alurkar.shridhar@gmail. com and I would be much oblidged.


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